The Adventum: Volume 1

Written by  on October 6, 2022 

Deeply immerse yourself in God’s story of redemption from the very first moment that God spoke the universe into existence. Feel the sheer delight of Adam walking with his Creator in the Garden. Begin to grasp the first couple’s emotional pain of spiritual separation after the fall. Experience the mixed emotions of Noah and his family when God supernaturally shut the Ark door. Imagine Abraham’s euphoric relief when God provided a ram to be sacrificed in place of Isaac.

Witness the stage being set for the entire Bible as each captivating story of Genesis unfolds!

It was good


Paradise Lost


First Family


Brother’s Keeper


And so on


An new World


High Hopes


Whispers in the wind


White Lies


Decisions, Decisions


I’ve been thinking


What’s in a Name?


Three Visitors and a Bargain


Fire and Brimstone


Heir Apparent




A Bride for Isaac




Stew Du Jour


Playing Favorites



Category : Drama