The Adventum: Volume 5

Written by  on October 6, 2022

God had been preparing Joshua his entire life for this moment in history. With the charge to “be strong and courageous” fresh on his mind, and the LORD’s unfailing power behind him, Joshua is unstoppable!

Joshua boldly leads Israel across the Jordan and into the promise land. From the march around Jericho to the defeat of many hostile kings and nations, the LORD brings victory after victory to this faithful leader.

After the death of Joshua, God raises up judges who deliver Israel out of the hands of those who plunder them. Despite Israel’s continued rebellion, the LORD continues to work through Rahab, Ruth, and many other ordinary people to carry out His perfect plan of redemption




Spies in the Land


Crossing Over


Battle at Jericho


One Man’s Sin


Love, Teachery, and the Standing Sun


Armies and a Land of Giants


War for a Wife


The Last Words of Joshua


The Era of Judges


A Very Fat King


From Widow to a Beloved Wife

The Adventum: Volume 4

Written by  on October 6, 2022

Imagine what it would have been like to witness the passing of the torch from the legendary Moses to the younger, but faithful Joshua. Put yourself in Joshua’s shoes as he contemplated the heavyweight on Moses’ shoulders. On one side, he hears Korah and the Israelites complaining while Moses stays steadfast to lead them into the Promised Land. On the other side is God Himself – with a righteous anger toward a rebellious people.

Despite the intense burden of leading a massive crowd of grumbling Israelite’s through the wilderness, both men knew they could completely trust God’s promise to Abraham – that He would always remain faithful to His chosen people. ..


The Waiting


The Afflicted


Young Guns










Blessings and Curses


The Matter at Peor




The Adventum: Volume 3

Written by  on October 6, 2022

Witness God’s intense judgement on Pharaoh as He enlists Moses to defeat the evil ruler’s plot through ten supernatural plagues. Ponder God’s merciful plan of redemption as it unfolds through the blood of the Passover lamb. Journey with the Israelites in their exodus from Egypt and brace yourself for the final showdown with Pharaoh’s army! Envision the spectacular parting of the Red Sea as God divides the waters for His chosen people while Pharaoh charges toward destruction.

Feel the Israelites’ relief as the LORD provides food and water during their wilderness wondering. Listen in on God’s divine covenant when He appears over Mount Sinai and gives His Ten Commandments. Walk in Moses’ shoes as he faithfully follows God’s blueprint to build the Tabernacle.








Breaking Point















The Adventum: Volume 2

Written by  on October 6, 2022

Imagine the heavy weight on Jacob’s shoulders after receiving Isaac’s blessing. Step into his daunting journey as he carries the mantle of God’s promise! From a mysterious wrestling match to intense fear of Esau’s revenge, experience Jacob’s many ups and downs leading to an unforgettable encounter with God!

Zoom into the next generation of Israel’s 12 sons. Travel with Joseph on his overwhelming path from a perilous pit to the pinnacle of power. Feel the struggle of the Israelites as they’re forced into hard labor by a new king. And finally, witness God’s sovereign plan of redemption emerge when Moses is called to lead the Israelites out of Egypt!


Stairway to Heaven


The Bachelor


Passages II


Leaving Paddam Aram




Cleaning House


Teenage Dream




The Promise


What Dreams may come


Reversal of Fortune


Back to the Future


Litmus Test




Uprooting Israel




Conspiracy II


Moses Torn


The Stranger


Fire Within


The Adventum: Volume 1

Written by  on October 6, 2022

Deeply immerse yourself in God’s story of redemption from the very first moment that God spoke the universe into existence. Feel the sheer delight of Adam walking with his Creator in the Garden. Begin to grasp the first couple’s emotional pain of spiritual separation after the fall. Experience the mixed emotions of Noah and his family when God supernaturally shut the Ark door. Imagine Abraham’s euphoric relief when God provided a ram to be sacrificed in place of Isaac.

Witness the stage being set for the entire Bible as each captivating story of Genesis unfolds!

It was good


Paradise Lost


First Family


Brother’s Keeper


And so on


An new World


High Hopes


Whispers in the wind


White Lies


Decisions, Decisions


I’ve been thinking


What’s in a Name?


Three Visitors and a Bargain


Fire and Brimstone


Heir Apparent




A Bride for Isaac




Stew Du Jour


Playing Favorites